Monday, October 10, 2016
Dear America
Dear America. You are angry and I understand. In fact I am glad you're angry. If you're angry then it means you are paying attention. I am glad you are paying attention. What I don't understand is your new found love of "voter shaming." Frankly it totally disgusts me. It disgusts me more than either candidate. Did you know America that it is your and my constitutional right as a citizen of this country to vote for who I want to? I bet you knew that. You are smart America, but you're not smart about this. It is your constitutional right as an American citizen to vote for who ever you see fit. But it isn't right or correct to shame or judge people for whoever they choose to vote for. Did you get that America? Let me say it again. It is not right nor correct to shame or judge people for whoever they choose to vote for. My views and my beliefs may not be yours. That is what makes us unique as a country. I don't judge you because you might see things differently than me. If you choose to vote for Hillary I won't call you "anti-American, a murderer, or a liar." If you choose to vote for Trump I won't tell you that you are an "Islamophobic" and that you are part of the "rape culture." I hope you are offended by what I just wrote. I want you to be offended. I wan't you to be offended so you can feel the way someone may feel when you shame them for who they are voting for. When you try to silence the right that they have to vote and speak and believe what they want. We live in a country where we have the right to have our own ideas. Where we have the right to freedom of speech. Where we have the right to religious freedom from persecution. Where we have the right to live our own American dream whatever that may be. We should not use our right to do all these things as a way to shame people into not practicing their own right. If you don't agree with something, please don't be silent! Stand up for what you believe in! But don't use your voice to try and silence someone else. Don't use your voice to try and silence someone who is standing up for what they believe in. Whether you choose this November to make America "stronger together" or whether you choose to "make America great again," don't categorize someone and try to lay candidate blame on someone for who they choose to practice their constitutional right to vote for. It is wrong. And for that I say shame on you America.
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Well said and so very needed at this time!!!